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General guidance and help on remote education provision at our school can be found in the documents at the bottom of this page.

Remote learning for pupils with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) 

At Little Thurrock Primary School whilst we recognise that most pupils will be able to continue their learning via a remote platform during a period of school closure/lockdown, we understand that some pupils with Special Educational needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) will face particular barriers. For this reason, we will make the following adjustments to the remote learning plan:

For pupils with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP), the Learning Support Assistant who usually works with that child will make daily contact with them, via Google Classroom, to offer support in accessing learning tasks or to provide tasks that meet the targets set out in their Individual Learning Plan. After participating in any live or pre-recorded video input sessions that the teacher provides to the whole class, the Learning support Assistant will then support them either one-to-one or in a small group in a break-out Google classroom offering live support. Dependent on the needs of the individual, we would expect that most children would also access the same curriculum as their class. 

For pupils with complex or higher SEND needs who have an EHCP, the class teacher and/or Learning Support Assistant will provide more bespoke learning tasks and/or adaption of the tasks set, which are tailored to their needs. These could be in the form of games, worksheets, activities or visual resources that may be appropriate to support the home learning which are linked to the targets that are set in their EHCP. We would still expect these children to access any live or pre-recorded video sessions that are being provided by the teacher if appropriate.

For those pupils with recognised SEND and on our SEND register, but who are able to access the mainstream content of lessons, we would expect them to follow the main programme of learning set by the class teacher.

We would ask that the parents/carers of these pupils liaise either through Google Classroom Chat or Class Dojo with the class teacher to report on how well their child is able to access the learning, so that any further adaptations can be made.

Information, guidance and help documents